
Data security tips for small businesses

Data security tips for small businesses

Data security is the process of safeguarding your digital information, like the ones present in your databases, from unauthorized access and destructive forces throughout the entire lifecycle. As small businesses begin to flourish, their focus on digital transformation, including IT services, IT solutions, and support services, continues to grow. This takes their focus away from the data security best practices. These pillars form the basic foundation of their digital progression.

As a small business, do you have anything to worry about?

According to a report, 28 percent of the cybersecurity victims were found to be small businesses. As a fallout, 37 percent of the companies were thrust into a financial crisis. While 25 percent went bankrupt, 10 percent lost their businesses altogether.

How necessary are data security measures?

Having proper cybersecurity is essential for the following reasons:

  • Protection of confidential information
  • Prevention of potential loss of money
  • Avoiding waste of precious time

What types of security viruses are there, and what are their causes?

Types of security viruses:

  • Boot Sector Virus
  • Web Scripting Virus
  • Browser Hijack
  • Resident Virus


  • Intentional or unintentional downloading of infected files
  • Pirated movies, music, photos, toolbars, and free games
  • Phishing
  • Spam emails with attachments
  • Clicking ads/links to an unknown website
  • Visiting malicious websites
  • Connecting to a corrupt external drive. For example, a USB

How to figure out a virus attack?

  • Slow computer performance
  • Recurrent system crashes or error messages
  • Unanticipated pop-up windows
  • Missing documents
  • Bizarre emails

Data security tips for small businesses

Identify vulnerabilities

Work with your internal staff or an external security consultant to identify your cybersecurity risk areas like:

  • Inadequate IT staff
  • Lack of staff training
  • Insufficient network security

Maintenance and updates

Updating your software manually, like a Wi-Fi router’s firmware, is an essential weapon against cybersecurity threats. Additionally, you should also update other devices in your workplace like printers, scanners, etc.

File backups

Do not store important files on a single device. Use an external drive for data up, check out the cloud storage options, or even maintain a hard copy.

Password check

Create strong passwords that are 20 characters long with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Educate yourself and your employees

Train your staff regularly about the potential cyber threats and outline your company’s security needs.

Difference between Antivirus software and free Antivirus software

Free antivirus solutions offer minimal protection against viruses and are not trustworthy. Therefore, it would be best if you altogether avoided them.

Paid antivirus solutions, on the other hand, provide more advanced protection.

What could happen if you don’t implement data security measures?

Data loss, stolen information, or money

Suppose the entire computer system of your company gets infected with a deadly virus. In that case, you may lose all your data if no data protection suite is installed. Data theft eventually leads to a loss of the organization’s money in various shapes and forms.

Costly corrections

If your client’s data gets stolen, in that case, you are required to make amends by shelling out a hefty compensation from your coffers to cover their losses.

Workflow interruptions – data loss

In case of data loss, work will get stalled, leading to workflow disruptions, loss of workflow hours, and substantial financial losses as well.

Legal concerns

If the personal information of your client or partner is hacked, it may result in lawsuits against your company. This will ultimately lead to both financial and reputational damages on your part.


With modern IT solutions becoming more complex, dependence on IT services, and IT support services increasing daily, small businesses are at a greater risk of a data breach. Given they do not have the infrastructure support of a large corporation. But following the above tips can save your small business from the onslaught of cyber criminals and protect your sensitive information from being hijacked.1

Contact Priority Networks Inc today for more information on data security.

Massimo DeRocchis

My life has been surrounded with computers since I was a child, from my first job as a Computer Assembly Assistant to the current ownership of Priority Networks, a dental focused networking company. Starting with an Apple computer connecting to other networks when I was only 13 years old, I quickly knew this passion would lead to bigger ventures. As the internet started to evolve, I immediately worked for an Internet Service Provider (ISP). This gave me insight to the power of worldwide internet communications and the capabilities of sharing data across multiple networks simultaneously. The dedication towards this field has given me the advantage of understanding new technologies and grasping complicated issues quickly from software, hardware, networking, security, management and much more. As a Computer Network Manager for Tesma International, a division of Magna International, I gained the experience of becoming a qualified NAI Network Sniffer, EDI Communications Specialist, Head Securities Manager, MRP Manufacturing Integration Manager, and received several enhanced managerial and technological training courses. Moving forward to today, I apply all my knowledge, training and years of solid network experience to deliver the very best support to all my customers at Priority Networks.