5 Ways Your Dental Practice Can Benefit from Cloud Backup Storage

Keeping your patients’ dental records safe and secure is just as important as advising them on how to maintain proper oral hygiene and health. That’s why cloud-based backup software for dental practices have been making such big waves in the industry. Many dentists only perform local backups, which not only takes up more time and resources, but it could also significantly compromise their data should they experience a natural disaster.
With cloud-based backup software, you can ensure your data remains secure in case it becomes corrupted or compromised. Cloud-based solutions are also backed up for further redundancy, giving you the peace of mind that your data is kept safe 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Let your staff focus on managing your dental practice without having to worry about in-house backup solutions that take time and are usually never monitored properly.
Here’s how a virtually impenetrable cloud-based backup system for your dental practice management software can keep your practice running smoothly and protect your sensitive data from breaches.
1. Reliable and Secure
Cloud-based backup software is a reliable and secure alternative to traditional desktop backup storage. With a cloud-based backup solution, you’ll never have to worry about permanently losing your data again. Even in the wake of a natural disaster, cybercrimes, hardware theft, or damage, your data will always be safe, secure, and easily retrievable from a multitude of remote servers that are used as backup. In the event that one server should fail, you can still rely on the others to retrieve your data uncorrupted. With a local backup, your data could easily be lost if your office building is compromised (ie. in case of a fire or flood).
2. Saves Valuable Time, Money, and Resources
A cloud-based backup solution allows you to easily access all of your patients’ dental records if and when a restoration is needed. Considering everything that can go wrong with traditional desktops—they can be damaged, stolen, and easily hacked into—installing a cloud-based backup makes so much more sense. While the upfront costs of dental network installation in Woodbridge might seem a little high at first, that’s nothing compared to the long-term costs and resources required to maintain a physical desktop backup storage system. Furthermore, the cost to do local backups properly requires a considerable number of devices or media that has to be take offsite every night. These devices also do not last forever so eventually they need to be replaced as well. With all things considered when comparing local versus cloud-based backup solutions, cloud backup wins every time.
3. Automatically Backup Your Data
With cloud-based storage, you have the option of setting up your dental practice management system to automatically perform data backups as frequently as you want. Whether it’s once every hour, once a day, or once a week, all of your patient and practice data will be automatically updated. Manually entering this information into your desktop storage system is both cost- and time-prohibitive and often leads to a lot of inaccuracies as your office staff may be overwhelmed with performing other tasks. Hiring a company that offers top-notch IT support for dental offices in Vaughan ensures that your data backups will be performed consistently and quickly with verification.
4. Adds Substantial Value to Dental Practice Management
Cloud-based backup solutions for your dental practice come with a lot of value-added perks. One of the biggest aspects of this is that it not only improves workflow efficiency in your office, but it can also help your front-end staff better manage their workloads and focus more on accurately and quickly serving patients rather than performing redundant backup procedures duties. Secure managed IT services for dentists means that you can operate your dental practice with guaranteed peace of mind in knowing that all of your patient dental and billing records stored on your backup server will remain confidential.
5. Military-Grade Encryption for Added Security
Since the cloud operates from a number of locations, data is continually encrypted at different points throughout the backup process to maximize security levels. Priority Networks Inc. ensures a secured connection is in place from the local server to the cloud backup solution. For added security, all backup solutions we use also have a standard military-grade, 256-bit encryption to encrypt the data, so if someone tries to compromise the data, you can rest assured that they will not be able to access to it.
Priority Networks Inc. provides unparalleled dental IT support in Woodbridge, Vaughan, Barrie, and other locations throughout the GTA. Our state-of-the-art custom-tailored dental IT solutions were developed out of sheer necessity as we noticed a great discrepancy in the services being offered by other local networking services in Ontario. Our primary goal is to provide proactive, not reactive managed IT solutions for dental practices and make it easier for dental staff to manage their practice and handle unexpected issues. Should our clients require IT assistance, we are always available to quickly and efficiently resolve any issues that may come up. To learn more about our cloud-based backup solutions for dentists, please contact us!